C.R.I.S Program

After many years of studying spinal anatomy, neurology, orthopaedics, postural biomechanics and musculoskeletal rehabilitation as well as working with specialised treatment systems of the spine,Dr Milan the Clinic Director of Chiropractic One in Liverpool conceptualised,designed and implemented the C.R.I.S (Chiropractic Rehabilitative Integration System) program.

Based on his One Spine, One Body and One Life philosophy, Dr Milan has been delivering and promoting the C.R.I.S program to families in the Liverpool region for over 10 years. After undergoing a detailed spinal, postural and musculoskeletal assessment with your Chiropractor, the C.R.I.S program will then be specifically tailor made to suit your individual health needs.The C.R.I.S program combines four different treatment methods which are delivered in a planned and system based approach.

The four treatment modalities that we specialise in are:

Chiropractic Adjustments

Soft Tissue Therapy

Postural Rehabilitation

Core Exercise Therapy

The C.R.I.S program has over a 90% success rate in treating a wide variety of spinal problems and musculoskeletal conditions. A unique and positive feature of the C.R.I.S program is that our team of health professionals and the patient are continuously working together in a proactive manner to achieve longterm, holistic and life transforming health outcomes for the patient. So call Chiropractic One in Liverpool and start the C.R.I.S program today. The path of total body wellness awaits you.